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Onvif Device Manager For Mac

queconsivaferdi 2020. 10. 20. 14:34

In order to use ONVIF clients the following requirements need to be met:

  • SecuritySpy is our flagship video surveillance software product for Mac OS X, and as of version 3.2, SecuritySpy supports the ONVIF protocol. Here are the answers to some common questions, and information about this new feature. ONVIF is an open industry standard for IP-based video surveillance products.
  • ONVIF Device Manager is an open-source software application (currently available for Windows only), which scans your network for cameras, DVR's, and NVR's, trying to locatea stream address that can then be used for connecting your device to Angelcam. Who should use this? If you’ve already setup port-forwarding for your device, but Angelcam can't find a stream automatically and/or.

ONVIF Device Manager is a software application used to administrate network video servers and cameras within CCTV systems. The User Guide describes the product installation, video encoder, network and analytics configuration, the software update and troubleshooting.

  • Your computer (or mobile device) and the camera access to the same LAN.
  • Your camera has been successfully set up.


We suggest to keep the firmware up-to-date.

To check the current firmware, tap Settings in the corresponding camera column and tap Device Info at the upper-right corner. The firmware version is in the first row.

To update the firmware, tap Settings in the corresponding camera column. Then tap Device Update. Make sure your app and your camera are in the same LAN in the upgrading duration.


For the camera with firmware older than, ONVIF clients can only give you a viewing experience with the quality from low resolution (320*240p) to standard resolution (640*480). With firmware or later, the 1280*720 HD quality resolution can be achieved, but only when no videos has been started playing by the HiKam app.


Some ONVIF clients have the capability to automatically detect cameras on the same LAN. But due to you router's configuration the auto detection cannot be guaranteed. If happened type in the following URL to manually add it:

http://your camera IP:5000/onvif/device_service


In current version we provide only one way for you to find your camera's IP address, which is through HiKamPC. For details go to the 'How to find my camera's IP address' in FAQ.


Alternatively, you can find the IP address by other ways such as logging into your router's web interface and find the camera's IP for specific MAC address starting with 3C-33-00.

Informatively, the following RTSP URLs are used for playing live streams:

For HD: rtsp://your camera IP:554/onvif1

For SD: rtsp://your camera IP:554/onvif2


We have the following verified software for you to choose.


Step 1: Download the application at http://sourceforge.net/projects/onvifdm/

Step 2: Click the downloaded software. The wizard will guide you to finish installation.

Step 3: To start the application you can either type “ONVIF Device Manager” in the Search box, or go to ONVIF Device Manager > ONVIF Device Manager.

Step 4: After start up HiKam cameras should be automatically detected.

If not, add it manually by clicking Add at the lower-left corner. Type in http://your camera ip:5000/onvif/device_service in the prompt window.


Note 1: Every time the ONVIF Device Manager starts, it automatically detects cameras in the LAN and tries to connect the manually added camera as well. The manually added camera can be automatically detected. In this case you will see the same camera appearing twice.

Note 2: To re-trigger the detection after start up, press Fresh button at the lower-right corner in the Device list column.


Step 5: To open live streams, select the corresponding camera in the Device list. Then click Live video or Video streaming to start the stream.

Step 1: Download the application at http://www.ispyconnect.com/

Step 2: Unzip the downloaded package and click the unzipped iSpySet to install.

Step 3: Open iSpy. An welcome window will pop up. Click Ok to continue.

Step 4: To add the camera go to Add > ONVIF Camera.

In the popup window, the first button on the second row is RTSP by default. If not click it and select RTSP from the drop down menu. Then click Scan Network next to it.

Step 5: Cameras in the same LAN should be detected automatically. If so, select the detected camera. In the right window select which resolution to use. Then click Ok.

If failed you can add them manually by clicking ADD and type in 'http://your camera IP address:5000/onvif/device_service' in the prompt Network Access window. Then click Ok to confirm.

Step 6: The Edit Camera window pops up. Click the first button '' in Source.

Step 7: In the popup Video Source window change RTSP Mode from TCP to UDP in the FFMPEG (H264) tab. Then click OK at the lower-right corner to confirm.

Step 8: You are now back to the Edit Camera window. Click Next button the live stream will be displayed in Detection Zones. Then click Finish and click Yes in the popup window to confirm.

Step 9: You can watch the live steam. If you have already added more than one camera into the camera list, all the live streams can be displayed in the same time by overlapped windows.

Step 10: offers functions (and configurations) such as alarm, FTP, SMTP, Snapshot, etc,. Play with them by clicking right button and select Edit in the popup menu.



Locally record files

iSpy allows you to locally record videos in MP4 format.

Step 1: Press Record All button at the lower right corner. After finish recording press the Stop Record button.


Then the saved file will be displayed at the bottom of the current window. Right click the video and click the Save to button to your local machine.

M-sight is available to download in App store and Google Play.

For iOS

Launch M-Sight app and skip the introduction if you want.

To add the camera, tap the menu icon at the upper left corner and then tap Device Manager. Tap the search icon at the bottom.


Cameras will be found and listed. See Manually add the camera if failed on automatic detection.

The default use name is 'admin' with a default password. Leave them unchanged and tap Add at the bottom. In case receiving error, use admin as the user name and qwerty as the password and try again.

A successful add will be specified by the green check at the right side of the camera.

To watch the live video stream, tap the back icon at the upper left corner (see the above image). Tap the corresponding camera under ONVIF - x devices.

M-Sight supports to watch live streams feeding from up to four cameras simultaneously.

Manually add the camera:

Tap the icon at the upper right corner. You will see a sub menu popped up. Tap the add icon.

Type in the IP address and port 5000 of your camera. The IP address can be found from your Wi-Fi router, or HiKamPC, or other ONVIF clients. Then tap the icon at the upper right corner. Your camera will be added.

For Android

Launch M-Sight app.

To add the camera, tap the menu icon at the upper left corner and then tap Device Manager. Tap the search icon at the bottom. Killah priest wiki. Cameras will be found and listed.

Select the camera you want to connect to with admin as the value of username and qwerty for password. The IP addresses in the following image are examples. Click Add. If fails try to tap Add again.

After a successful add, you will see green icon on the right. Tap the back icon at the upper left corner.

Tap Live View, then tap the video icon at the upper right corner.

Select the camera you want to connect with and tap Play. You will see the live videos. Or you can switch to landscape view.

Multiple displaying windows is supported with this app.

IP Cam Viewer app publised by NibblesBits can be used to connect with HiKam camera. It has two different versions, one is Pro and the other is Lite. The following steps is based on Lite, which is free.

Launch IP Cam View. The Lite version itself contains three embedded Samples, such as Same Traffic in the following image. Tap the menu icon at the lower right corner. In the popup menu tap Manage Cameras. Now you can optionally unchoose them by tapping the green check.

Tap Options at the lower left corner. In the popup menu tap Scan Camera.

In Scan Camera window, keep Device Type and Port Type unchanged. Type in your camera IP address and give Port the value 5000. Leave User and Pass blank. Tap Scan Now.

Whenever a camera is detected, a 'dang' sound will be heard. You can stop scanning by tapping Canncel. Tap ONVIF Camera under the Results menu.


Give a name to your camera. Then tap Save at the upper left corner in the Setup Camera window. You are now back to the Scan Camera again. Simply tap back at the upper left corner. Your new camera will be listed out.


Tap Back. Now you can follow the live video.

Go to Manage Camera > Add camera


The app shows the options to be configured. Click Camera Vendor, in the pop up list, select ONVIF

Input cam IP address.

Note: cam IP address can be found in HiKamPCClient or Onvif Device Manager.

Set ONVIF port: 5000

Set Protocol : RTSP over UDP(MPEG/H.264/H.265)


The configuration is complete.

You will see the live video in the tiny cam monitor.

You can download the installation from the following link:



Synology version:

As we have tested in our lab, the camera with firmware or later can work with Synology, which has following versions:

DSM 6.0 - 7321

Surveillance Station 7.2.1 - 4602

Security setting:

For watching live videos the security level has to be changed to Intermediate capability. Go to Security > Advanced > TLS / SSL Cipher Suites. Choose Intermediate compatibility.


How to fill parameters in Synology:

IP address: the IP address of your camera. You can find it out either either your router or your HiKamPC.

Connection: 554

Brand: [User Define]

Source path: /onvif1

You can leave Username and Password blank.

IP address: the IP address of your camera. You can find it out either either your router or your HiKamPC.

ONVIF Device Manager is an open-source software application (currently available for Windows only), which scans your network for cameras, DVR's, and NVR's, trying to locatea stream address that can then be used for connecting your device to Angelcam.

Who should use this?

If you’ve already setup port-forwarding for your device, but Angelcam can't find a stream automatically and/or:

  • Your device documentation doesn't mention a RTSP or MJPEG stream path
  • Your camera supplier or manufacturer provides no support
  • You can't find any documentation or information on Google

Finding a stream path

  • Step 1: Be sure that you are on the same network as the device you're trying to discover (advanced users can also try to find a stream address for remotely accessible cameras as well, just use the 'Add' button and specify the public address and forwarded ONVIF port of the remote device)
  • Step 2: Download and install ONVIF Device Manager (Windows only)
  • Step 3: Click the 'Refresh' button to scan your network
  • Step 4: Select 'Live Video' from the menu
  • Step 5: Copy the stream address, shown under the live video, to your clipboard (be sure to replace your local IP address with the public one when connecting directly)
  • Note: if your camera is password protected, be sure to enter your credentials in the upper left corner.

Connecting a camera to Angelcam

a) With AngelBox

  • Step 1: Open AngelBox's Camera Connector, type in your AngelBox's ID, and let AngelBox detect your device
  • Step 2: Once found, click, 'I want to use a different camera stream channel'
  • Step 3: Paste the stream address from your clipboard and delete everything except the part after the port. For example if your camera stream has been discovered at 'rtsp://admin:1234@' use '/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1' only.

Onvif Software Download

A more detailed procedure is explained here.

b) Without AngelBox

  • Step 1: Port forwarding needs to be configured on your router for the designated camera
  • Step 2: Open Camera Connector
  • Step 3: Paste the stream address
  • Step 4: Replace the local IP address with the public IP address of your network
  • Step 5: Replace the stream port of the camera with the port you set up during the configuration of port forwarding in Step 1

Onvif Device Manager For Mac Free Download

A more detailed procedure is explained here.

And that's it! 👏

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at support@angelcam.com.

Onvif Device Manager Tool

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